
Make yourself at home, and let me know if I can help with anything. You can reach me in multiple ways!

An Artist's Prayer

An Artist's Prayer

I'm working through Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way," and one of the assignments is to create an Artist's Prayer and repeat it every day for a week. This is mine.

An Artist's Prayer of Gratitude
Grateful for the Universe that warms my being with creative energy.

Grateful for five senses to discover the inspiration all around me.

Grateful for the ability to release judgement so I may follow where my creativity leads me.

Grateful for the calm I feel while making my art.

Grateful for the heartfelt connections my art has brought me.

Grateful for my mom who was my first artistic teacher.

Grateful for those creative teachers who share what they know.

Grateful for a community of artists who support and encourage each other.

Grateful for those who are touched by my work.

Grateful for my little art studio kissed by the sun.

Grateful that I remain open to the possibilities within my art and my life.

A Helpful Deep Breathing Exercise

A Helpful Deep Breathing Exercise

Taking The Leap!

Taking The Leap!